Friday, October 3, 2008

Harper's 2 Week Photos

So, this is a little late but for those of you with a little spare time on your hands, Harper's two week photos are online. My friend Jill came over and took some great photos of Harper. She was so patient and easy to work with...especially when Miss Priss peed and pooped everywhere during the "naked baby" shots.

You can see the slide show (or order pictures if you are so inclined) at Go to Galleries and click on Harper. The password is Anderson.

Whew! Five posts in one day! I think I'm caught up now and will try to add posts regularly in the future.

Have a great weekend!


The Tylers said...

I love your pictures!!!! They are precious. Your sweet mama is in our prayers as well. She is certainly an inspiration. Thanks for updating:)

auDi tHis woRld said...

So sweet. I must admit, it's been a while since I've surfed blogs...I was so glad to see all of your posts since the initial intro to Harper from the hospital - such sweet pics!

Molly Stone said...

Harper's pictures are so sweet! You will be so glad that you have them - they lost the newborn look so fast. Audrey peed all over Brandon when we took some like that, too. I guess that's par for the course! Congratulations!